Quiz Result 2: Your period says "I'm not happy!"
Hmmm…..It sounds like you’re coping with your period but maybe you still dread it and even need time off work each month.
Or your symptoms are mild and don’t give you much trouble but you also have pain in the low back and pelvis – and this could lead to period problems in future.
Chances are you may have ongoing tension in your pelvis that’s beginning to change how your ovaries function. If so, now is a good time to do something about it before it gets worse.
And even if you don’t have pain, you might have other symptoms that you just put up with because we’ve been taught to just accept physical and emotional suffering with our periods.
You might even think you were ‘born with it’ and can’t do anything to change it – but this is one of the many myths we’ve learned from society. And I’m here to change that!
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I KNOW you can reduce or even get rid of these symptoms altogether because I did it myself and I’ve helped many people do the same through my 20+ years of clinical practice.
I used to suffer debilitating period pain, PMS and ovulation pain every month (along with low back and hip pain) from my early teens to early 30s. I also had trouble conceiving when I was ready to have a family.
Then I discovered Ortho-Bionomy and learned how to release the chronic tension in my pelvis so that my symptoms virtually disappeared. I also went on to have 2 children. I was so impressed with this approach that I became an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner to help others take control of their period symptoms (and other pain issues) too.
Learning how to release pelvic tension has been a game-changer for me and my clients. It’s the vital first step towards balancing your period and your whole menstrual cycle – and that’s key to your overall wellbeing too.
If you’d like to know why period symptoms and pelvic tension are linked, here’s some background info (if not, skip ahead!):
Your uterus (womb) and ovaries are held in place in your pelvis by a group of ligaments (like bands of elastic) that are attached to the walls of your pelvis, including your pelvic bones – your sacrum (the big bone at the base of your spine, above your tailbone), your hip bones and your pubic bone (below your belly), as well as your abdominal wall, cervix and vaginal wall.
Excess and uneven tension through the pelvis can pull on these ligaments and put stress on your uterus and ovaries. This tension can be caused by many things – like falling out of a tree when you were little, or having a car accident, or uneven posture habits (like sitting with one leg tucked under your butt). It can also be caused by stress or trauma – even stress about menstruating (since it’s still considered dirty or shameful in many societies).
Over time this tension can actually disrupt the normal functioning of the uterus and ovaries, causing changes in hormone production, ovulation, menstruation, fertility and menopause.
This often results in the pain, irregularity, PMS/PMDD, PCOS, hormone issues and other symptoms many people experience with their menstrual cycles, as well as fertility issues, pelvic pain during and after pregnancy and menopause symptoms.
Scroll down for solutions
By now you may be wondering how to find out if you have a pelvic tension problem. Here’s a simple test:
Pelvic Tension Self-Assessment
1. Place your palms flat on the front of your hip bones (the two bony bumps at either side of your belly, like headlights on a car).
2. Place your fingers diagonally along the groin line pointing towards your pubic area. The groin lines are where your pants crease is at the top of each leg.
3. The tips of your middle fingers will be resting roughly on the outside edges of your pubic bone, which is the bone at the front and centre of your pubic area, around the start of your pubic hair.
4. Press your fingers gently but firmly around this bone from the edges in your groin and along the top of the bone towards the centre of your body. You may notice soreness, tenderness or a sharper pain anywhere along the bone that may feel like you have a bruise there.
If you do have any tenderness here, it’s a sign that chronic tension may be causing your period symptoms.
But don’t despair! This is not a life sentence, it’s a key to the solution.
There’s a WHOLE lot you can do to relax your pelvis, ovaries and uterus to reduce and prevent period symptoms and low back/hip pain.
You can start by using some basic posture adjustments to release pelvic tension right now. I’ve sent you my Period First Aid Kit to show you what to do, so be sure to check your inbox.
See below for next steps
Ortho-Bionomy is a manual therapy based on osteopathy and designed to harness the body’s ability to self-correct. It offers lasting relief for acute and chronic tension, pain and stress using gentle, supportive positioning techniques and subtle movements that activate your body’s self-healing processes.
I’ve seen many people get their life back by using these gentle techniques to release old tension patterns and create new sustainable posture and movement habits. They’re simple, safe and easy to learn.
What to do next:
1. If you’re ready for change right now, check out my Body Reset online coaching package. We’ll examine what’s causing your period woes and I’ll show you how to rapidly reduce your symptoms in 1 month, with a personalised plan of posture and positional rest techniques for you to follow.
If you’d like to talk with me first, book a free 20 minute call to find out if this is right for you – and of course there’s no obligation to buy the coaching package.
2. Join the waitlist for my life-changing course, Menstrual Cycle Rescue®. I’ll teach you all you need to know to break free of your symptoms and balance your cycle, with practical step by step instructions. Keep the course forever and use as needed.
3. Here’s the quiz link to share with others who need this! Everyone deserves to feel good on their period and throughout their menstrual cycle, so it’s my mission to get this information in front of everyone who needs it.
Period Quiz Medical disclaimer: this quiz is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the care of a medical practitioner. It is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions but instead can be used as an indicator for further investigation.
Image credits from top of page: Andre Hunter Unsplash; billie Unsplash; Alora Griffiths Unsplash; Janine McCarthy