What's your period trying to tell you?

Take this quick quiz to discover the possible cause of the period pain, PMS and other symptoms that put you out of action each month.

You’ll receive a personal assessment plus my Period First Aid Kit to help you break free of all the cr@p and win back more good days in every cycle.

Learn more below………….

periods - Janine McCarthy

Are your periods running your life?

Mine did until I discovered Ortho-Bionomy – so I became an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner so I could help others tame their periods too.

In 20 years of clinical practice I’ve found that period pain and PMS – plus headaches and other hormonal issues – are often caused by excess tension in the pelvis. This tension puts pressure on the uterus (womb) and ovaries which can influence your hormones and menstruation.

In fact, while there are many factors that can cause period problems, this tension was the main cause for everyone I’ve worked with who suffered these symptoms. 

So I’ve made it my mission to help as many people as possible to correct this and kick their period symptoms to the curb.

The first step….

Start by taking the quiz to find out what’s happening with your pelvis.

You’ll receive a personal assessment plus my FREE Period First Aid Kit showing you how to get started on the first essential steps to relieving the tension to restore your body’s natural alignment.

The kit includes:

  • 6 simple posture corrections you can start using today to relax your pelvis
  • 2 ways to prepare for your next period to reduce your symptoms

It doesn’t matter which day you’re on in your cycle – you can start improving your symptoms right away.

period quiz

Want to work with me?

I can teach you how to balance your body with gentle yet powerful positional rest techniques you can use anytime, anywhere, with no equipment, gym gear or heavy workouts.

All you need is a few minutes each day and the right information. And it’s not what you think – you DON’T need to

  • exercise hard
  • lose weight
  • change your diet or
  • take supplements

These things definitely help some people, but I believe EVERYONE should start with a balanced, relaxed pelvis.

And because I know many people are uncomfortable talking about their periods, I make it as easy as possible. You can choose from 2 formats:

Either way, you’ll learn the easy step by step process to transform your periods and win back more good days in every month.

period quiz

Period Quiz Medical disclaimer: this quiz is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the care of a medical practitioner. It is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions but instead can be used as an indicator for further investigation. Janine McCarthy is an Advanced Practitioner and Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy, registered with Ortho-Bionomy Australia Ltd.

Image credits from top of page: Kelli McClintock Unsplash; rfstudio Pexels; pioneer111 Getty-Canva; Priscilla Du Preez Unsplash