Are gentle or painful treatments better for pain relief?
Over the years many clients have come to me saying something similar to this:
“My [shoulder/back/knee etc] has been sore now for [X weeks or months]. I’ve tried everything to get rid of the pain – stretching, exercising it out, putting ice on it, painful massages, 6 weeks/months of X treatments – and nothing has worked. I’m getting worried.”
When they finally come to see me, they’re ready to try something different. My approach IS different, and it feels like the best-kept secret to lasting pain-relief. It’s a secret that most people don’t know about and it’s the opposite of what you’ve likely heard about pain relief. The biggest difference between my approach and all the things they’ve already tried is gentleness.
How pain works
Your brain is responsible for pain – it responds with pain to anything it thinks might be dangerous because pain gets your attention and makes you do something to save yourself from whatever that dangerous thing is.
It’s a very successful survival mechanism and is one of the reasons humans are still here.
But it also means that your brain can create pain responses to things that may be stressful but aren’t dangerous – like work stress, unpleasant memories and muscle tension.
Happily, when your brain gets a sense that the danger has passed and you’re now safe, it can ‘switch off’ the pain responses.
So when you get pain – whether it’s from muscle tension or strain, posture problems, stress or painful emotions, if you respond by doing something that feels uncomfortable, forceful or that you keep on doing despite the pain, it might make your brain think the danger is still present – so the pain continues. Then you start to worry that something is wrong with you and this adds to the sense of danger in your brain, which turns up the volume on the pain…..and so on.
Turning down the pain volume
The wonderful flip-side is that if you instead respond to the pain by doing something that feels gentle, supportive and comfortable, it creates that sense of safety for your brain to encourage it to stop sending those pain messages. Movement, laughter, hanging with friends or loved ones all help your brain feel safer and can reduce pain, for real.
A gentle somatic therapy
Another good way to reduce pain is by avoiding those painful treatments that leave you bruised and sore and instead having gentle bodywork like Ortho-Bionomy.
Instead of digging into your tightest, most painful areas and ‘trigger points’ or over-stretching sore muscles and joints we use gentle positioning to soften tight tissue and allow it to release by itself, in its own timing. We use subtle movements that follow where your body leads to unwind tension and stiffness naturally. We listen and allow your body to self-correct to find its way back to balance.
This gentle method helps your brain feel safer so that it can stop trying to protect you with pain. Your body can switch out of the fight/flight stress state and into the rest/digest state where all healing happens.
Far from being the ‘soft option’, this state shift allows your body to heal and correct itself at a deep level. In addition to being surprised by the often rapid pain relief, clients report better sleep, easier and more fluid movement, more energy for work and play, more self-compassion and even more kindness towards others.
I have seen many people recover from muscle, joint or nerve pain with the gentle approach of Ortho-Bionomy.
If you’re ready to try it, book a free 20 minute consultation with me to find out if this approach could help you.
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